
Basic Types

Syntax s-expression Native?
i32 (i32)
f32 (f32)
i64 (i64)
f64 (f64)

Walt supports all of the native WebAssembly types. They can be used in expressions, assigned to variables, returned from functions, imported and exported from modules.

Function Types

Syntax s-expression Native?
type Fun1Type = () => void (type (func))
type Fun2Type = (i32) => void (type (func (param i32)))
type Fun3Type = (i32) => i32 (type (func (param i32) (result i32)))
type Closure = Lambda<Func3Type> (type (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))

Walt supports all native WebAssembly type definitions. Type definitions are necessary for module imports and function pointers. Lambdas are an exception as they are not natively supported by WebAssembly, a lambda type is encoded with an additional i32 which is used as a memory offset for the closure environment.

Special Types

Syntax s-expression Native?
const mem: Memory = { initial: 0, max: 1 } (memory 0 1)
const table: Table = { initial: 1, max: 1, element: anyfunc } (table 1 1 anyfunc)

Memory and Table types are used only to define the corresponding module header. Both can be used to import a table or memory from the environment, however.

Array Types

Syntax s-expression Native?
i32[] (i32)
f32[] (f32)
i64[] (i64)
f64[] (f64)

Array types are used to declare variables which will be used as arrays in the source code. They are only necessary as compiler hints and compile down to basic types in the final binary.

Struct Types

Syntax s-expression Native?
type abcs = { a: i32, b: i32, c: i32 } ---

Struct types are used as compiler hints to Walt when assigning to and accessing structured data in memory.


All declarations are created via const and let. The global or local scope is determined by where the variables are defined. Each declaration uses the type-cast operator :. 🦄 In the future, type inference will be available for left-hand-side of the declaration and the type operator will be optional.

With Globals

Syntax s-expression Native?
const x: i32 = 0 (global i32 (i32.const 0))
let x: i32 = 0 (global (mut i32) (i32.const 0))

With Function Locals

Syntax s-expression Native?
const x: i32 = 0 (local i32) (set_local 0 (i32.const 0))
let x: i32 = 0 (local i32) (set_local 0 (i32.const 0))

Notice that both const and let compile into the same WebAssembly expression(s). This is because WebAssembly has no native immutable locals. Using const is a compiler hint, which will result in a compile-error if you attempt to re-assign to a const variable.

With Function, Object and Lambda types

Syntax s-expression Native?
let ptr: FnType = 0 (local i32) (set_local 0 (i32.const 0))
let obj: StructType = 0 (local i32) (set_local 0 (i32.const 0))
let lambda: LambdaType = 0 (local i64) (set_local 0 (i64.const 0))

Function pointers are encoded as a 32-bit table address. Struct variables are encoded as a 32-bit memory offset. Lambdas are a special case of a fat pointer containing both a memory offset(LSW) and a table index for the lambda used(MSW), encoded as a 64-bit integer.


Syntax s-expression Native?
+ type.add
- type.sub
/ type.div_s
* type.mul
% type.rem_s
& type.and
\| type.or
^ type.xor
<< type.shl
>> type.shr_s

🦄 In the future versions of Walt, all of the math operators will be exposed as function members of a native type. For example `i32.shru(x, y)`.

Type-casts and Promotions

All operations in WebAssembly must adhere to the strict type of the operator. This means that mixing types requires every mismatched operand to be typecast as the type of the operation. This can get very tedious and fast as different type conversions require different typecasts. Walt makes this a bit easier by performing type promotion in binary expressions behind the scenes. All types are promoted in an expression to the type with the highest expression weight.

Type Weights

Type Weight
f64 4
f32 3
i64 2
i32 1

Manual Type-casts

TODO; : operator and output WebAssembly

Statements and Expressions

Walt splits its syntax into statements and expressions (like JavaScript).


Walt supports JavaScript comments, inline comments // and multi-line comment blocks /* */.


Everything in Walt as in WebAssembly must have a Type. Functions are no exception to the rule. When a function is declared it's type is hoisted by the compiler behind the scenes. A function type is a list of parameters and a result type.

:unicorn: Currently a custom function type syntax is not implemented, but is required in order to use custom-function imports.

import { log: Log } from 'console';
type Log = (i32) => void

:unicorn: Arrow Functions. Might be implemented.

Function imports and pointers

It is possible to import custom functions and use wasm functions as callbacks.

import { log: Log } from 'env';
import { setTimeout: Later } from 'env';

type Log = (i32) => void;
type Later = (Function, i32) => void;

function echo(): void {

export function echoLater(x: i32): void {
  setTimeout(echo, 200);
  • Compiling the above example will require a WebAssembly.Table import to be provided in the imports object.

Keep in mind that the Function parameter is encoded into an i32 table index. This means that the setTimeout function must be a wrapper which can get the real wasm function pointer from a table object. Like so:

  setTimeout: (tableIndex, timeout) => {
    const pointer = tableInstance.get(tableIndex);
    setTimeout(pointer, timeout);

Arrays, Object, Memory

Simple rules about objects and arrays.

  • Both arrays and objects are stored in the heap, NOT on the stack
  • Walt has no built-in memory functions like new or delete
  • There is no special syntax for pointers, regular 32-bit address integers are used
  • Every object and array must be initialized with an address.
  • Every custom object must have a corresponding type definition
  • Object Type definitions are not present in any way in the final binary output. They are used as compiler hints.
  • type keyword is used to create a new user-type. Types can be object or function types.
  • Dynamic keys are not allowed/will not work.
  • Except for arrays, which currently have no out-of-bounds checks.
  • Arrays of custom types are not yet supported
  • Walt does not implicitly import Memory, memory must be manually imported OR declared before any memory operations can be used.

Mainly these makes it easier to write a compiler for Walt. Interop between JavaScript and Walt becomes simpler as well and the "syntax sugar" is kept to a minimum on top of the existing WebAssembly functionality.

Before using arrays or objects memory must be declared

const memory: Memory = { 'initial': 0 };

Array example:

// Unlike objects arrays do not require custom types and can be declared in-place
const intArr: i32[] = 0;

// There are no static array sizes and they can be read/written to at any index
intArr[0] = 2;
// Keep in mind that out-of-bounds memory access will result in a runtime error
intArr[255] = 10;

Object example:

// Object types are js-like objects with key value pairs of object properties
// and corresponding built-in basic types (i32, f32, i64, f64)
type FooType = { 'foo': i32 };

// Objects must be initialized with an address
// NOTE: Walt runtime will _not_ perform any safety checks on this address
const foo: FooType = 0;

// Property lookups are performed as string subscripts
foo['foo'] = 200;

// Because objects are compiled down to a single integer address, they can be freely
// passed around to other functions or put into other objects
someOtherFunction(foo); // (i32) => void


Every Walt file is compiled into a stand-alone module. module is a future-reserved keyword.